Truth in Beauty Book - 2nd Edition

The Ultimate Resource on Holistic Beauty


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Truth in Beauty is a practical, easy-to-follow guide designed to help you navigate the clean beauty movement and achieve a healthier lifestyle, with realistic and practical tips.

As the founder and formulator of Australian beauty brand Mukti Organics, Mukti has been an active leader within the wellness industry for over three decades. A true pioneer of green chemistry, she draws on her background in complementary medicine and beauty therapy to offer comprehensive insider knowledge on the importance of prioritising your health and detoxing your skincare routine.

Originally written 6 years ago, but as the beauty industry evolves, so too must our knowledge, leading Mukti to write a revised and expanded edition.

This book is designed to help consumers make informed decisions about the products they're exposing themselves to on a daily basis.

  • A detailed guide to deciphering product labels and claims,
  • A comprehensive A-Z blacklist of the most commonly used ingredients in personal care and makeup products, and what you should avoid (and why) including evidence-based research,
  • A breakdown of your toxic burden and practical tips on how to reduce it
  • A breakdown of different... read more